Sabbatical Visitors
To foster a collaborative environment, CRESST II Sponsors have the ability to support visitors during their sabbatical periods. Through their participation in field studies, meetings, conferences, either foreign or domestic, and in person interaction at the Goddard campus, CRESST II aids in a smooth (NASA) on-boarding process as well as a timely travel reimbursement process. Visits can range from one day to one year.
Sabbatical visits are arranged on a case-by-case basis, and are dependent on a collaborative arrangement with a local host at GSFC and an ability to tailor visits that take into account leave of absences from the home institution, appropriate projects of mutual interest between visitor and the local host, as well as needed financial arrangements. If you are a GSFC scientist interested in inviting a sabbatical visitor, or a scientist interested to come to GSFC on a sabbatical, please contact the CRESST II Program Manager.