Our Partners

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

The Center for Space Sciences and Technology (CSST) and ESRA (Earth and Space Science Administration) are the administrative unit for UMBC's participation in the CRESST II consortium. CSST was formed in 2006 and currently has over 40 UMBC research faculty, several of which are affiliated with the physics department. The research conducted by the members of CSST focuses on (i) Astrophysical Data Reduction, Interpretation & Archiving, (ii) Space Science Technology: Development & Calibration, and (iii) Theoretical Astrophysics: Simulations & Software.

CSST maintains close relations with the Physics Department at UMBC, and UMBC scientists have opportunities to teach within the Department.

ESRA was formed in 2019 and fulfils administrative services for CRESST II, CSST, GPHI and JCET scientists. ESRA has an administrative office at GSFC in building 22 Room 180. Hours of operation for ESRA can be found here.

For any questions about UMBC, Physics Department at UMBC or the CRESST II award at UMBC, please contact Dr. Don Engel or Ms. Margo Young.

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Last Update 10/24/17

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