Our Partners

Catholic University of America

The CRESST II partnership with Catholic University (CUA) is centered within the Institute for Astrophysics and Computational Sciences (IACS) and the Physics Department. The IACS was established in order to develop strong research and educational programs in the areas of astrophysics and computational sciences and to promote closer cooperation with government agencies and industry. The Physics Department holds numerous grants from several granting organizations including NASA, NSF and CERN. The CRESST II award represents another step in the CUA and the Physics Departments' continued commitment to supporting research.

If you have any questions about CUA, the Physics Department, or the CRESST II award at CUA, please contact Dr. Tommy Wiklind or Ms. Elizabeth Bowlen. They can help to explain and amplify Resources for CRESST II Researchers.

Colloquium Link


CUA Physics Department Colloquia and Lectures

Updated: 2019-Aug-13

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